Software Alternatives, Accelerators & Startups


Hunting your daily web sessions in real time.

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SessionHunt Alternatives

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  1. Pyramid brings data prep, business analytics, and data science together into one frictionless business and decision intelligence platform that helps you deliver timely and effective decision-making.

    Try for free paid Free Trial

    Try for free
  2. Improve your website to increase conversions, improve the user experience, and make more money using Google Analytics. Measure, understand and quantify engagement on your site with customized and in-depth reports.

  3. Mixpanel is the most advanced analytics platform in the world for mobile & web.

  4. Matomo is an open-source web analytics platform

    Open Source

  5. Plausible Analytics is a simple, open-source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics. Made and hosted in the EU, powered by European-owned cloud infrastructure 🇪🇺

    Open Source paid Free Trial $9.0 / Monthly (10,000 pageviews)

  6. The #1 Leader in Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys & More. Sign up for a 15-day free trial and start learning from real user behavior today!

    freemium €39.0 / Monthly (Starting at: 3,000 Recordings per month with unlimited Heatmaps)

  7. Qualitative analytics for websites and mobile apps Start understanding the 'whys' of your users' behaviors with clear, visual insights. With session recordings and event tracking, you get the complete picture.


  8. Adobe Analytics is an industry-leading solution that empowers you to understand your customers as people and steer your business with customer intelligence.

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