Petty Cash is the simplest and quickest way to create a zero-based budget. Assign a job to every dollar and create a monthly budget in 5 minutes. Track expenses and see where your money is going. Petty Cash is guaranteed to save you money and help you achieve your financial goals!
FEATURES: * zero-based budget planner * create multiple funds to track your goals * share funds with others * automatic recurring expenses and income * custom expense categories * iCloud sync * monthly expense chart * CSV export * Face ID lock
I do plan to add automatically imported transactions to Petty Cash in the future. I just want to do it an a way where it's an add-on and not a requirement to use the app. Source: over 3 years ago
I've been budgeting/tracking my expenses ever since I got my first smartphone, the iPhone 3GS. I started trying different budgeting apps on the App Store then I eventually made my own that I used for years. Recently, I made a new app called Petty Cash to help you create a zero based budget. I'd love to get some feedback on it if you have an iOS device. Source: over 3 years ago
Petty Cash was approved for the App Store last month. I haven't tried to share/promote it much since release. To be honest, I've just been afraid to do so. Source: over 3 years ago
Jun 2020: quit job Jul 2020: start working on Petty Cash Feb 2021: finish MVP and submit to App Store Feb 2021: app rejected Mar 2021: more rejections Apr 2021: approved for App Store. Source: over 3 years ago
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