Mindful (Beta)
A space for your thoughts, ideas, and ongoing tasks.
We have listed more than 10 alternatives to Mindful (Beta).
You can find them below.
The top competitors are: Divuni, Mindful Meetings, and Notepin.
Apart from the top ones, people
also compare Mindful (Beta) with
Calm, Simple Habit, and Fitness22.
Best Mindful (Beta) Alternatives & Competitors in 2024
The best Mindful (Beta) alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and other factors.
Open-Source Alternatives.
Latest update:
Daily questions - A social mindfulness platform
Add a 2min guided meditation to any video call
Employee Monitoring Software with Screenshots, Internet, Activity and Time Tracking
Extremely simple note-taking + blogging ✍️
Meditate with open eyes. Be productive.
A minimalist multi-platform text editor
Free mindfulness app w/ Zen Buddhist meditations + teachings
Curated collections of guided meditations
Takes notes in your browser. Elegant & simple.
Be mentally fit, biomarker-based mindfulness
Calm.com can help you reduce stress and increase calm.
A Chrome Extension that prevents mindless browsing
Relax from anxiety with reminders to breathe deeply.
Meditation made simple. Brilliant things happen in calm minds.
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Mindful (Beta) discussion
Employee Monitoring Software with Screenshots, Internet, Activity and Time Tracking