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It must be rendered in a lottie format, unfortunately, the plugin I used to export that animation doesn't support the auto orient feature ( LottieFiles for After Effects ). Source: over 2 years ago
I make JSON exports using the Lottie files plugin (free) super easy never had an issue with size. Source: over 2 years ago
Basically you take your Figma and either export the parts you need or convert it to XD. Then, bring it into After Effects to create the animation. Once you’re happy with it, you export using the LottieFiles plugin ( Source: over 2 years ago
Vector animations for web and in app are created using Lottie files. There is a video tutorial series on how to install the plugins for after effects. Source: almost 3 years ago
You can also check lottie animations, there is an exporter for AE and a plugin for Figma. Source: about 3 years ago
A lot of people at dribble do the animations in After Effects and then export them to lottie files: Https:// Source: over 3 years ago
Did you tried to generate a JSON like Lotties Libraries does? You can generate it with a plugin for AE only Source: over 3 years ago
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