Gather rapid customer feedback. Launch amazing products. Entrepreneurs, startup teams, and product managers use IdeaPlan's Product Management Operating System to crowdsource, prioritize, and launch features their customers love.
Simple, yet powerful features - Idea Dashboard, Manage ideas, change statuses, prioritize, comment, search and filter.
Customer Feedback Boards - Customers submit ideas and feedback, vote, comment, and view statuses.
Customer Roadmap - Customer facing roadmap showcasing high-level statuses.
Internal Roadmap - Manage a detailed roadmap that organizes customer feedback for your internal development team.
Users & Comments - Users join feedback boards to submit new ideas, vote, and comment.
Integrations - Leverage the IdeaPlan API or pre-built integrations.
Feedback boards
Idea Management
Idea Tracking
User Accounts
Communication & Notifications
Feedback widget
Feedback Collector
Zapier integration
Customer roadmap
Internal roadmap
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