Once all that is done, just download the helium miner app and follow the setup. It can take up to 72 hours for it to fully sync up when you have it installed, to check it is installed, head over to the explorer on helium.com page again then you’ll see the status is active, and you’ll start to see its mining. Then you can just leave it running. Source: over 1 year ago
Check out https://helium.com/ People have installed almost 1 million base stations for the IoT network for getting tokens. The same for decentralization will work. Source: over 1 year ago
You know everything is really on helium.com and nova-labs.com is just a placeholder for the programming team. What else is it going to say? Source: about 2 years ago
Not sure if they allow or not but helium.com endorse syncrobit on their website. You can go to the purchase page directly from helium and is on the authorized provider list. If Syncrob.it is not delivering and scamming helium should at least remove that from the website. Source: about 2 years ago
Paying that much for a miner is crazy. When I first looked into the helium mining hype, I thought the scam was jacking the coin price, but no, the scam is actually in selling the miners. Their price is so inflated (given what they actually do), their delivery dates are pushed by 6-8 months, and without any ability to cancel or return the delivered product. If it was really about the coin and mining, building a... Source: over 2 years ago
So on helium.com you can find manufacturers and devices to use on the helium network, these manufacturers would need to be contacted to see if they sell their devices fully credited to be used on the Lorawan network that helium is on. Otherwise there may be fees involved to use devices. Not answer as to if it would increase our rewards, but it should increase the use of the network. Source: over 2 years ago
I went through the website helium.com. All I got was hotspots can play a role of Challenger, Transmitter and Witness role and get rewarded accordingly in %age. I've few basic questions:. Source: over 2 years ago
Do you know an article comparing Helium HNT to other products?
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