Grammarly for Desktop
Introducing Grammarly for Windows and Mac, our new desktop application that works where you write!
Best Grammarly for Desktop Alternatives & Competitors in 2024
The best Grammarly for Desktop alternatives based on verified products, community votes, reviews and other factors.
Latest update:
Clear, effective, mistake-free writing everywhere you type.
AI powered writing assistant
Seamless project management and collaboration for your team.
AI grammar correction with transformers
Understand and avoid some of the most common mistakes
Markup your friends' iMessages like an English teacher 😁
AI Content Automation
Write 10x faster with the world's most advanced AI.
AI-powered writing companion
The AI your content can’t live without
Content optimization software solution for brand strategists, writers and agencies. Neuro Flash helps you create content people love while delivering business results.
Textio is a software where the user can get guidance on how to write the best hiring advertisement for people to submit their resumes for a job and to get the best results... read more.
Try an entirely new approach to writing.Move seamlessly from writing big-picture summaries down to detailed prose.Focus better by working in small "chunks" called cards.Work fluidly by rearranging your writing as you go.
AI-based editing tool that helps you improve your text