ExpoSim is the world's most advanced virtual & hybrid events platform. It is a SAAS platform that helps companies create, manage & host virtual & hybrid events through a simple-to-use DIY dashboard. It offers numerous customization options & networking channels to make each event unique and that too without writing a single line of code. ExpoSim offers a suite of microservices that help organizers complete event management from one single place. These microservices include the website builder, ticketing system, email builder & sender, networking table, meeting scheduler & live user tracking. For attendees, ExpoSim offers a life-like event experience that is full of information and provides a number of networking opportunities. ExpoSim is ideal for Branded Webinars, Summits, Conferences, Trade Fairs, B2B Meets, Job Fairs & many more public networking events. We are also building a number of features & tools that will help organizers manage physical events and their virtual counterparts all from one single dashboard.
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