If you have a cult.fit in the neighbourhood, I would recommend you to subscribe. Source: over 1 year ago
Cult.fit is a huge company. There are 19 gyms in my city alone. More like the company shut it down because the gym wasn't making enough profits. Source: over 1 year ago
I'm planning to shift to Bangalore (Bellandur to be specific) in the upcoming months, and I was trying to find gyms in the area. The only real search result I was able to get was the ones owned by cult.fit in that area. I've never been to a cult fit gym so not sure if it's worth the money or not. I'm mainly a newbie, been working out with the help of a trainer for the past 4 months, but moving forward would be... Source: over 1 year ago
You can try cult.fit app PT to nahi hoga but they have a lot of gyms all around pune so you can find one near you which worth of it. Source: almost 2 years ago
I've heard about cult.fit, but I'd like to avoid since they've 1-2 trainers for the entire floor. Source: almost 2 years ago
Arey, gym ki velte kuda - either trainer pettu or telisina friend help teesuko. Trainer aithe 5k vundati - atleast cult.fit lo and maku friend vunnadu - appudapudu trainer help teesukuntamu. Source: almost 2 years ago
My experience with online therapy , I tried therapy with cult.fit. After the first session the doctor told me the same thing, we need to deep dive so I'd suggest you buy 10 session pack (really ? how'd you know it'll take 10 ? ) I purchased 4 session pack. Even after 4 sessions it seemed like she was trying to not help but waste or exhaust the session and once last session was over, again the same. Source: almost 2 years ago
So I would be shifting near Marathahalli and I want a review of any swimming pools with trainers nearby. I saw the swimming pool by cult fit. Has anyone tried them and are they worth the buck? Also I am new to this cult.fit thing, can anyone give a review on their gyms and stuff? Source: about 2 years ago
Joined cult.fit gym in Aug 2022. That's all. Otherwise time has been spent watching TV, studying, and browsing the Internet. Source: about 2 years ago
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