Software Alternatives & Reviews

Resels VS NationBuilder

Compare Resels VS NationBuilder and see what are their differences

Resels logo Resels

One platform to manage indirect sales.

NationBuilder logo NationBuilder

The world's first platform for leaders, handcrafted from scratch to help you grow your community and lead them to action.
  • Resels Landing page
    Landing page //
  • NationBuilder Landing page
    Landing page //

Resels videos

No Resels videos yet. You could help us improve this page by suggesting one.

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NationBuilder videos

Introduction | NationBuilder for municipal campaigns

More videos:

  • Review - Ask Push 2: What do we think of NationBuilder?
  • Review - Getting Started - Nationbuilder

Category Popularity

0-100% (relative to Resels and NationBuilder)
Affiliate Marketing
100 100%
0% 0
Nonprofit CRM
0 0%
100% 100
Office & Productivity
100 100%
0% 0
Marketing Platform
0 0%
100% 100

User comments

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Social recommendations and mentions

Based on our record, NationBuilder seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 5 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you identify which product is more popular and what people think of it.

Resels mentions (0)

We have not tracked any mentions of Resels yet. Tracking of Resels recommendations started around Mar 2021.

NationBuilder mentions (5)

    "" sounds like some globalist New World Order shit to me. Source: over 1 year ago
  • A rising senior studying CS is interested in startups with "Social Impact"
    NationBuilder, Series B ($24.8MM raised) - software that powers non-profits, campaigns and movements. Source: over 1 year ago
  • New campaign company provides services for Groundswell, Taxpayers' Union
    So, when Labour used nation builder to get Ardern elected, was that a subversion of democracy? Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Is there an official slogan? Automated messages?
    Also, has using an automated messaging system been discussed? Something like Sending major announcements and reminders would be important with keeping people involved. Especially people who don't use discord or reddit. Source: over 2 years ago
  • NL Proud?
    If I try to access their webpage URL it 404s to a hosting service called NationBuilder which looks, uh, interesting. Source: about 3 years ago

What are some alternatives?

When comparing Resels and NationBuilder, you can also consider the following products

AffiliateWP - A powerful affiliate marketing solution for WordPress.

DonorPerfect - Nonprofits use DonorPerfect Fundraising Software for their Donor Management, Grant & Gift Tracking, Moves Management, Mass Mailing needs and more.

ReferralMagic - Turn your users and customers into referral magnets.

Kindful - Nonprofit donor database + fundraising tools all in one

Echo - Golang HTTP server framework

Bloomerang - Bloomerang is a simple donor database and fundraising software solution that helps nonprofits decrease donor attrition and increase revenue.