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Code your documentation with AsciiDoctor - open source is for everyone

[VDM19] Asciidoctor: because writing docs does not have to suck by Adres Almiray

10 Useful Asciidoctor Tips


  1. User avatar
    · Technical Writer at Self ·
    Professional output from open source

    If you are looking for an open documentation solution ny which you can implement single sourcing while integrating with a complex build process then this is a great solution.

    👍 Pros:    Easy integration|Easy to use

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Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about Asciidoctor and what they use it for.
  • AsciidocFX: The Asciidoc Editor for documentation and authoring
    AsciidocFX, is an open-source, cross-platform editor that provides an exceptional user experience and a comprehensive set of features for working with Asciidoc files. Though Asciidoctor provides these capabilities, not everyone will be comfortable enough to work in the commandline or shell setting that's where AsciidocFX comes to the rescue. Let's explore some of the key capabilities that make AsciidocFX stand out. - Source: / 4 months ago
  • I don't always use LaTeX, but when I do, I compile to HTML (2013)
    You have also AsciiDoctor ( ) which is alive and well. I am using it for technical CS documentation internally, but only for single page documents. I did not try to deploy their whole multi-document setup called Antora ( ). - Source: Hacker News / 8 months ago
  • Documentation generators and custom syntax highlighting
    I use Asciidoctor, highlightjs, a custom highlight.js language definition and that bash script:. Source: over 1 year ago
  • I wish Asciidoc was more popular
    In fact, also this claim is wrong, because there are three :D 1. - Source: Hacker News / over 1 year ago
  • Markdown, Asciidoc, or reStructuredText - a tale of docs-as-code
    Asciidoctor is a Ruby-based text processor for parsing AsciiDoc into a document model and converting it to HTML5, PDF, EPUB3, and other formats. Built-in converters for HTML5, DocBook5, and man pages are available in Asciidoctor. Asciidoctor has an out-of-the-box default stylesheet and built-in integrations for MathJax (display beautiful math in your browser), highlight.js, Rouge, and Pygments (syntax... - Source: / over 1 year ago
  • Docs as code vs a tool that can work with .md and xml?
    If you're looking at AsciiDoc, you'll want to look at Asciidoctor: Source: almost 2 years ago
  • Mau: a lightweight markup language based on Jinja
    The third system that I found was AsciiDoc, which started as a Python project, abandoned for a while and eventually resurrected by Dan Allen with Asciidoctor. AsciiDoc has a lot of features and I consider it superior to Markdown, but Asciidoctor is a Ruby program, and this made it difficult for me to use it. In addition, the standard output of Asciidoctor is a nice single HTML page but again customising it is a... - Source: / about 2 years ago
  • What's your documentation stack?
    We use Antora and Asciidoc, published as in Gitlab pages, for technical documentation. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Stunning Presentations with Asciidoctor and RevealJS
    In the previous post, we quickly saw the power of Asciidoctor, how it could enhance the documentation, writing and many other features. - Source: / over 2 years ago
  • Running Jekyll on a Mac
    At this stage, a standard Jekyll blog should work. Yet, my blog also uses Asciidoctor, and more importantly, asciidoctor-diagram. I draw my diagrams using the PlantUML syntax. PlantUML requires a JVM and graphviz. - Source: / over 2 years ago
  • Asciidoctor - A Writer's Swiss Army Knife
    The toolchain that brings power of Asciidoc is Asciidoctor. It parses Asciidoc files and helps in converting them to various formats - HTML5, PDF, DocBook, ePub, man pages etc. - Source: / over 2 years ago
  • Does something like git for MS Word Exisits?
    I looked at this for a similar problem. Pandoc is a beast. I eventually used it alongside which was a pretty tight tool chain for an extended markdown format to see Source: over 2 years ago
  • Parsers that don't yet exist?
    In this space, I'd love to see more asciidoctor (, they are in the process of writing up the spec at Source: over 2 years ago
  • DocBook 5.1: The Definitive Guide (2020)
    I've the same experience. Soem years ago I tried DocBook to render HTML and PDF documents, but the whole setup was so unpleasant that I gave up. Writing the syntax is not overly hard, but also not pleasant. I ended up with AsciiDoc, what is nice to read and write and which has a rich set of features. It is also very easy to set up: just download AsciiDoctor and you're ready to go. - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • Thoughts on Markdown
    I'm wondering that the article doesn't mention AsciiDoc with a single word. AsciiDoc is a perfect tool for complex text documents with tables, references, side notes etc. It is almost as easy as Markdown (if you compare only the features included in both), but offers way more possibilities. There are also good tools to convert it to different output formats like HTML and PDF. A good starting point is:... - Source: Hacker News / over 2 years ago
  • What text editor do you use for rough drafts?
    Did you checkout the asciidoc format? It’s close to what you are doing but with way more options (table of content, tables, indexes, glossaries, sidebars, internal links, etc). It got you covered for lots of stuff. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Merry Christmas! I am giving away my ebook Command Line: A Modern Introduction for free. Grab your copy as a gift :)
    This is done with and their asciidoc-pdf tool. Source: over 2 years ago
  • My failed attempt to use groff output.
    Does it have to be pandoc? What about using asciidoc for the syntax? Then you could use asciidoctor for html output and asciidoctor-pdf for the pdf output. Source: almost 3 years ago
  • Plugins in Rust: Diving into Dynamic Loading |
    I'm using Hugo with the theme PaperMod. You can take a look at the source code of the site here, it's pretty easy to get started if you look up a guide online. Also, I use Asciidoc instead of Markdown because it has more features built-in (customization, references, variables, etc). Source: almost 3 years ago
  • AsciiDoc is the better Markdown
    So I was sold. I started learning how to use AsciiDoc to write my eBook and how to use AsciiDoctor to process my source file and produce many output formats like PDF, ePub or HTML from it very easily. - Source: / about 3 years ago
  • Tools for Embedded Development and Your Routines as Firmware Engineer
    Asciidoc ( or markdown, RST etc for documentation. Source: about 3 years ago

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