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antsle enables hosting more than 100 virtual servers on a single antsle home server.

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Antsle Nano - Unboxing and Setup - Hardware Fridays

Antsle Nano - Your Virtualization Lab for CyberSec & more.

Who Should & Shouldn't Buy An Antsle VM Box?

Social recommendations and mentions

We have tracked the following product recommendations or mentions on various public social media platforms and blogs. They can help you see what people think about antsle and what they use it for.
  • Profitable Home Lab Ideas
    That's a fun setup you have! I like those smaller compute devices. Reminds me of antsle a bit. I said antler in another post...I should go fix that. 😅 Https:// Source: about 2 years ago
  • Help Me Spend My Money and Win a
    I've been looking at and considered getting their Antsle One XD Ultra, but it seems like I can get a lot more performance by building it myself, the problem is that I'm worried I'm going to buy the wrong thing. Source: over 2 years ago
  • Server build advice
    OR if you want to go super nano and have a great UX there's the Antsle line of products. I have an Antsle Nano. Those are cool because they come with their own brand of hypervisor based off of CentOS that hooks up to their cloud so you can access your machines anywhere. They have intel based boxes and the Nano is just a raspberrypi with a big heat sink. Worth the price IMO. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Looking for recommendation
    These are the chips powering Antsle boxes. They’re pretty capable. Watch out for the Atom C2###, though. A lot of early models had a bug known as AVR54. It’s fixed in later steppings, but it’s hard to confirm which stepping a system is using before you buy it. Source: over 3 years ago
  • Should I get rid of my server?
    Agree with this.. Build your own.. Or look into an Antsle box, or something similar. Source: almost 4 years ago

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