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Automation 2.0 by DronaHQ

Folks who are new to DronaHQ - We are a Low code tool to build internal apps and provide comprehensive tooling under one roof. We do compete with Retool , Ninox and others in the category. Today we launch automation 2.0.

  1. Drag & Drop app builder for all building all things Frontend [web + mobile]
  2. BPM to build processes
  3. Database to build online database systems
  4. PDF Generator for building documents with no code
  5. Automation to automate things in your tools/apps

In our observation - our users need to do complex CRUD operations not just from frontend (web//mobile) but also basis events happening in other systems or on a scheduled time. Say for instance you got a new win in Hubspot and you got to let your customer success DB updated and a few internal APIs called. Reason you use platforms like DronaHQ is because we make it super simple to write workflows involving CRUD & REST. And for such use cases - we don't want our users to do the hard work of figuring workarounds or write code. So we launched automation 2.0 to ensure our users are able to leverage our powerful workflow tool and respond to events happening outside our ecosystem.

Here is what DronaHQ's Automation 2.0 has evolved to (for folks who have been following our work):

Automation now has its own process builder to help build processes visually with drag and drop. In the earlier version - it needed workflows to be created within the app for it to be consumed in automation. This had two problems: 1. Create screens in the app which would never get used just to have a workflow created. 2. This needed customers to have BPM as add on in order to use automation.

With this release - automation now becomes capable to serve its customers all by itself. At a high level - given this engine is built on top of DronaHQ workflow/BPM engine - it inherits a very power builder capable to write complex automation rules. For example in a given automation you may add a branching logic anywhere in the flow as against Zapier's constraint of adding branch in a working zap only after the last block.

Here are some examples of use cases where DronaHQ Automation 2.0 can be put to use: 1) Send personalized newsletters to all your leads/customers/signups 2) On a new subscription from a customer, notify your team and allocate a customer success rep basis the region of the customer

Lots is cooking here at DronaHQ and we could not wait to share this one with you all - The new Automation is live in Beta and you can sign up for free to start building powerful internal tools at

Do give it a whirl and share your feedback with us.

About the author

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Aakash Raghunathan
Low-Code/No-Code Evangelist