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17 Popular Java Frameworks for 2023: Pros, cons, and more

Spring Framework Apache Struts Hibernate Apache Wicket Blade Framework Dropwizard Grails GWT Jakarta Faces jHipster
  1. The Spring Framework provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern Java-based enterprise applications - on any kind of deployment platform.
    • Open Source
    Therefore, the configuration, setup, build, and deployment processes all require multiple steps you might not want to deal with, especially if you’re working on a smaller project. Spring Boot (a micro framework that runs on top of the Spring Framework) is a solution for this problem, as it allows you to set up your Spring application faster, with much less configuration.

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #JavaScript Tools 11 social mentions

  2. Apache Struts is an open-source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications.
    You can integrate Struts with other Java frameworks to perform tasks that aren’t built into the platform. For instance, you can use the Spring plugin for dependency injection or the Hibernate plugin for object-relational mapping. Struts also allows you to use different client-side technologies such as Jakarta Server Pages to build the frontend of your application.

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  3. Hibernate an open source Java persistence framework project.
    • Open Source
    MyBatis is somewhat similar to the Hibernate framework, as both facilitate communication between the application layer and the database. However, MyBatis doesn’t map Java objects to database tables like Hibernate does — instead, it links Java methods to SQL statements. As a result, SQL is visible when you’re working with the MyBatis framework, and you still have control over the execution of SQL (on the other hand, you’ll need to write your SQL statements and set up your mapping by yourself).

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  4. HelloWorld demonstrates the basic structure of a web application in Wicket. A Label component is used to display a message on the home page for the application. In all the Wicket examples, you have to put all files in the same package directory.
    • Open Source
    Tapestry is a component-based Java framework with which you can create scalable web applications. Its focus on reusable components makes it architecturally similar to Jakarta Faces and Apache Wicket (see both above). Like Struts and Wicket, Tapestry is also a project of the Apache Software Foundation.

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  5. Simple elegant, high-performance full-stack web framework - Blade Framework
    The Blade framework follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) software design pattern. It has an easy-to-understand design, not depending on any third-party libraries or introducing too many layers. Blade is based on Java 8, and the Netty web server and template engine are built into the framework. It has a minimal footprint; the source code is less than 500 kb in total.

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #Javascript MVC Frameworks

  6. NOTE: Dropwizard has been discontinued.
    Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services
    The Dropwizard framework pulls together several well-established Java libraries to provide you with a fast and distraction-free development platform. It comes with an embedded Jetty server, Google Guava, Logback, Hibernate Validator, Joda Time, and many other popular Java libraries. Dropwizard also contains Jersey which you can use to build RESTful web services and Jackson for processing JSON. You can think of Dropwizard as a separate ecosystem that contains all the dependencies mentioned above, bundled into a single package.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #Python Web Framework

  7. 7
    An Open Source, full stack, web application framework for the JVM
    • Open Source
    Although you have to write your code in Groovy, Grails works well with other Java-related technologies such as the Java Development Kit, Jakarta EE containers, Hibernate, and Spring. Under the hood, Grails is built on top of Spring Boot to make use of its productivity-friendly features like dependency injection. With Grails, you can achieve the same results with much less code, owing to the power of the Groovy programming language.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #Python Web Framework 5 social mentions

  8. 8


    GWT is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications.
    • Open Source
    With GWT, you can build browser-based applications without being an expert in frontend technologies such as JavaScript optimization or responsive design. GWT offers many advanced features such as internationalization, cross-browser portability, UI abstraction, bookmarking, and history management.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #Software Development

  9. MVC framework for building user interfaces for web applications, including UI components, state management, event handing, input validation, page navigation, and support for internationalization and accessibility.
    Jakarta Faces, formerly known as JavaServer Faces and later as Jakarta Server Faces (JSF), is a well-established framework for building user interfaces for Java-based web applications. As the first version of Jakarta Faces was released back in 2004, it’s a reliable and stable Java framework.

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #MVC Framework

  10. JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, & deploy modern web applications & microservice architectures.
    • Open Source
    Spring Boot allows you to create production-grade Spring-based applications that work with minimal configuration. JHipster combines this with Angular, React, Vue, and Bootstrap on the client side to provide you with a full-stack architecture. If you want to see how a JHipster app looks in real life, check out the sample apps for Angular, React, and Vue, created by the JHipster team.

    #Software Development #Development Platform #React

  11. 11
    MyBatis is a top-rated SQL-based data mapping solution used by Programmers, Software Engineers, and Database Architects for developing object-oriented software applications.
    MyBatis is somewhat similar to the Hibernate framework, as both facilitate communication between the application layer and the database. However, MyBatis doesn’t map Java objects to database tables like Hibernate does — instead, it links Java methods to SQL statements. As a result, SQL is visible when you’re working with the MyBatis framework, and you still have control over the execution of SQL (on the other hand, you’ll need to write your SQL statements and set up your mapping by yourself).

    #Development #Tool #Web Frameworks 2 social mentions

  12. An open source web framework which follows the model-view-controller architecture. It is light-weight, web-friendly, and stateless. It provides minimal overhead for highly-scalable applications.
    • Open Source
    The Play Framework makes it possible to build lightweight and web-friendly Java and Scala applications for desktop and mobile. Play is a hugely popular framework, used by brands such as LinkedIn, Samsung, Walmart, The Guardian, Verizon, and many others.

    #Scala Web Framework #Web Frameworks #Java Web Framework 1 social mentions

  13. Open source UI framework for JSF featuring over 100 components, touch optimized mobilekit, push framework, client side validation, theme engine and more.
    • Open Source
    The PrimeFaces library is truly lightweight. It’s packaged as a single JAR file, requires zero configuration, and doesn’t have any dependencies. It allows you to create a user interface for your Java application with a rich set of components, a built-in skinning framework, and pre-designed themes and layouts. As PrimeFaces is built on top of Jakarta Faces, it inherits its features such as rapid application development. You can also add the framework to any Java project.

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #Design Tools 1 social mentions

  14. Spark Framework is a simple and lightweight Java web framework built for rapid development.
    You can get the Spark Framework up and running in just a few minutes. By default, it runs on the Jetty web server that is embedded into the framework. However, you can use it with other Java web servers as well. According to Spark’s own survey, more than 50% of their users used the framework to create REST APIs, which is its most popular use case. Spark also powers high-traffic web applications serving more than 10,000 users a day.

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #Runtime 28 social mentions

  15. Apache Tapestry is a programming environment designed to enhance Java scripting. It's produced by Apache Software Foundation, which was founded in 1999 in Maryland. Read more about Apache Tapestry.
    • Open Source
    You can write Tapestry pages and components as plain old Java objects (POJOs), so you can access the entire Java ecosystem from the framework. Besides Java, Tapestry also supports the Groovy and Scala programming languages and integrates with other Java frameworks such as Hibernate and Spring. Tapestry has been built with performance in mind; therefore it provides you with features such as live class reloading, exception reporting, Ajax support, and built-in components and templates.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #Scala Web Framework 1 social mentions

  16. Vaadin is a web application framework for Rich Internet Applications (RIA).
    • Open Source
    Vaadin 10+ approaches web app development in a new way: it gives developers direct access to the DOM (Document Object Model) from the Java Virtual Machine. With the new release, the Vaadin team split the previously monolithic framework into two parts. It has a lightweight Java framework called Vaadin Flow that handles routing and server-client communication and a set of UI components that run in the user’s browser.

    #Developer Tools #Web Frameworks #JavaScript Tools 35 social mentions

  17. 17
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    • Open Source
    As Vert.x is an event-driven and non-blocking framework, it can handle a lot of concurrencies using only a minimal number of threads. Vert.x is also quite lightweight, with the core framework weighing only about 650 KB. It has a modular architecture that allows you to use only the modules you need so that your app can stay as slick as possible. Vert.x is an ideal choice if you want to build lightweight, highly scalable microservices.

    #Web Frameworks #Developer Tools #Runtime 26 social mentions

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