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Top 10 Best CSS Frameworks for Front-End Developers in 2022

Tailwind CSS Bootstrap Foundation Bulma UIKit Materialize CSS Skeleton CSS Purecss Semantic UI Tacit
  1. A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
    • Open Source
    Tailwind enables faster development of the front-end. Instead of a default theme or built-in UI components, you’d get pre-designed widget menus and utility classes to build your website. Tailwind has modular components, and if you make changes in one place, other parts of your code won’t get impacted. Tailwind requires the least amount of learning and is easy to use. You can also customize your website using Tailwind CSS helper classes.

    #Developer Tools #Design Tools #Website Design 874 social mentions

  2. Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and JS for popular UI components and interactions
    • Open Source
    Bootstrap is one of the most popular CSS frameworks globally and received instant popularity because of its responsive design. It was also the first framework that gave priority to mobile devices. With Bootstrap, there is no need for a separate design for mobile viewing. You just need to add the necessary classes, and the website will adapt to the screen size based on the device. The grid was introduced in Bootstrap, which led to a drastic reduction in the code a developer has to write.

    #Developer Tools #Design Tools #Web Frameworks 329 social mentions

  3. The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world
    • Open Source
    One of the most advanced and sophisticated UI frameworks, Foundation enables quick website development. Just like Bootstrap, Foundation follows a mobile-first approach and is fully responsive. It is very suitable for huge web applications that need a lot of styling. Foundation is customizable, flexible, and semantic. And, there are over 2k contributors on Github and decent community support.

    #CSS Framework #Design Tools #Developer Tools 18 social mentions

  4. 4
    Bulma is an open source CSS framework based on Flexbox and built with Sass. It's 100% responsive, fully modular, and available for free.
    • Open Source
    Although new, Bulma has quickly climbed up the list of top 10 CSS frameworks. It has no JavaScript components (no .js) and the most readable CSS classes. To create grids, Bulma has a powerful system known as tiles, making the page elegant and neat. It is highly modular and easy to learn. Although small, Bulma has a community of passionate individuals wanting to change the nature of CSS for websites.

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  5. 5
    A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces
    • Open Source
    UI Kit has a comprehensive collection of CSS, HTML, and JS components. It is modular and lightweight. Used for iOS application development, UIKit is one of the bestfront-end CSS frameworks.

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  6. A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design
    • Open Source
    Created by Google in 2014, Materialize is a responsive UI framework for websites and Android apps. It provides many ready-to-use components, classes, and starter templates. It is compatible with Sass and has a responsive layout based on Bootstrap’s 12-column grid format. The best part? Its extensive color palettes. So, if you want to work with Material Design (Google’s design language) and create Google-like effects on your website, Materialize CSS will be an excellent choice for you.

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  7. A Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development
    • Open Source
    As the name suggests, the Skeleton is a light framework. If your website is small and straightforward, Skeleton provides a necessary collection of CSS elements to speed up your development. It provides lightly styled forms, tabs, buttons, etc. You get a responsive grid, Vanilla CSS, and media queries for your project without the larger frameworks' complexities. It is a great framework for beginners who want to learn CSS and quickly create beautiful yet straightforward websites.

    #CSS Framework #CSS Tools #Design Tools 17 social mentions

  8. A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
    • Open Source
    At only 3.7 KB minified, Pure is the most compact CSS Framework around. Out of all the CSS frameworks, Pure will help you create awesome CSS Code without sacrificing space. You can add pure-min.css through free unpkg CDN in your code to use Pure. You can also install Pure using a package manager like npm, Grunt, etc.

    #CSS Framework #Development Tools #Javascript UI Libraries 8 social mentions

  9. A UI Component library implemented using a set of specifications designed around natural language
    • Open Source
    If you’re just starting out with CSS and UI, go for Tacit, Pure, or Skeleton. However, to build more complex elements, you’ll need a more inclusive framework like Foundation, Tailwind, or Bootstrap. You can get an easy learning curve through Bulma or Semantic UI.

    #Design Tools #CSS Framework #Developer Tools 17 social mentions

  10. 10
    CSS Framework for Dummies
    • Open Source
    If you don’t know what graphic design is but want your web applications to look attractive, Tacit is an obvious choice. Add the tacit-CSS-1.5.2.min.css, and you will get a fantastic-looking website immediately. Tacit is also compliant with W3C validator requirements. The framework is relatively new and still in the making, but some of the features are worth using for the simple reason that it will give you a great design even when you have no idea about designing!

    #Developer Tools #Design Tools #Website Design 1 social mentions

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