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Front-end Guide

Yarn Webpack Vue.js Travis CI SUIT CSS stylelint Sass Redux.js Prettier Prerender
  1. 1
    Yarn is a package manager for your code.
    • Open Source
    Yarn solves these problems. The issue of non-determinism of installed packages is handled via a yarn.lock file, which ensures that every install results in the exact same file structure in node_modules across all machines. Yarn utilizes a global cache directory within your machine, and packages that have been downloaded before do not have to be downloaded again. This also enables offline installation of dependencies!

    #Front End Package Manager #JS Build Tools #Package Manager 110 social mentions

  2. Webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.
    • Open Source
    This part will be kept short as setting up webpack can be a tedious process and might be a turn-off to developers who are already overwhelmed by the barrage of new things they have to learn for front end development. In a nutshell, webpack is a module bundler that compiles a front end project and its dependencies into a final bundle to be served to users. Usually, projects will already have the webpack configuration set up and developers rarely have to change it. Having an understanding of webpack is still a good to have in the long run. It is due to webpack that features like hot reloading and CSS modules are made possible.

    #Web Application Bundler #JS Build Tools #Module Bundler 221 social mentions

  3. 3
    Reactive Components for Modern Web Interfaces
    • Open Source

    #Front-End Frameworks #Javascript UI Libraries #JS Library 342 social mentions

  4. Focus on writing code. Let Travis CI take care of running your tests and deploying your apps.
    We used Travis CI for our continuous integration (CI) pipeline. Travis is a highly popular CI on Github and its build matrix feature is useful for repositories which contain multiple projects like Grab's. We configured Travis to do the following:.

    #Continuous Integration #DevOps Tools #Continuous Deployment 6 social mentions

  5. SUIT CSS is a CSS preprocressor for component based UI development.
    • Open Source
    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are rules to describe how your HTML elements look. Writing good CSS is hard. It usually takes many years of experience and frustration of shooting yourself in the foot before one is able to write maintainable and scalable CSS. CSS, having a global namespace, is fundamentally designed for web documents, and not really for web apps that favor a components architecture. Hence, experienced front end developers have designed methodologies to guide people on how to write organized CSS for complex projects, such as using SMACSS, BEM, SUIT CSS, etc.

    #Developer Tools #Design Tools #CSS Framework 4 social mentions

  6. stylelint is a modern CSS linter
    • Open Source

    #Developer Tools #Code Analysis #Code Coverage 25 social mentions

  7. 7
    Syntatically Awesome Style Sheets
    • Open Source
    If you are a total beginner to CSS, Codecademy's HTML & CSS course will be a good introduction to you. Next, read up on the Sass preprocessor, an extension of the CSS language which adds syntactic improvements and encourages style reusability. Study the CSS methodologies mentioned above, and lastly, CSS modules.

    #Developer Tools #Design Tools #Web Frameworks 133 social mentions

  8. Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
    • Open Source
    As Flux is not a framework per se, developers have tried to come up with many implementations of the Flux pattern. Eventually, a clear winner emerged, which was Redux. Redux combines the ideas from Flux, Command pattern and Elm architecture and is the de facto state management library developers use with React these days. Its core concepts are:.

    #Javascript UI Libraries #JS Library #Front-End Frameworks 166 social mentions

  9. An opinionated code formatter
    • Open Source

    #Developer Tools #Code Analysis #Code Coverage 259 social mentions

  10. Allow your AngularJS, BackboneJS, or EmberJS apps to be crawled perfectly by search engines. View on Github.
    SPAs are reliant on JavaScript to render content, but not all search engines execute JavaScript during crawling, and they may see empty content on your page. This inadvertently hurts the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your app. 2. However, most of the time, when you are building apps, SEO is not the most important factor, as not all the content needs to be indexable by search engines. To overcome this, you can either server-side render your app or use services such as Prerender to "render your javascript in a browser, save the static HTML, and return that to the crawlers".

    #Custom Search Engine #Search Engine #SEO 40 social mentions

  11. 11
    Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
    • Open Source

    #Web Application Bundler #Assets Bundler #JS Build Tools 103 social mentions

  12. 12
    Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications
    Before you dive into the various aspects of building a JavaScript web app, it is important to get familiar with the language of the web - JavaScript, or ECMAScript. JavaScript is an incredibly versatile language which you can also use to build web servers, native mobile apps and desktop apps.

    #Runtime #JavaScript Runtime #JavaScript 793 social mentions

  13. 13
    New JSHint website. Anton Kovalyov Oct 1st, 2013. For the last couple of weeks I've been working on a new homepage for JSHint and today I'm proud to announce the new jshint. com! JSHint Website.
    • Open Source

    #JS Build Tools #Front End Package Manager #JavaScript Package Manager 14 social mentions

  14. 14
    Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration server with 300+ plugins to support all kinds of software development
    • Open Source

    #DevOps Tools #Continuous Integration #Continuous Deployment 6 social mentions

  15. Tweak React components in real time. Contribute to gaearon/react-hot-loader development by creating an account on GitHub.
    Developer Experience - There are a number of tools that improves the development experience with React. React Developer Tools is a browser extension that allows you to inspect your component, view and manipulate its props and state. Hot reloading with webpack allows you to view changes to your code in your browser, without you having to refresh the browser. Front end development involves a lot of tweaking code, saving and then refreshing the browser. Hot reloading helps you by eliminating the last step. When there are library updates, Facebook provides codemod scripts to help you migrate your code to the new APIs. This makes the upgrading process relatively pain-free. Kudos to the Facebook team for their dedication in making the development experience with React great.

    #Development Tools #Design Tools #CSS Framework 2 social mentions

  16. 16


    BEM — Block Element Modifier is a methodology, that helps you to achieve reusable components and code sharing in the front-end.
    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are rules to describe how your HTML elements look. Writing good CSS is hard. It usually takes many years of experience and frustration of shooting yourself in the foot before one is able to write maintainable and scalable CSS. CSS, having a global namespace, is fundamentally designed for web documents, and not really for web apps that favor a components architecture. Hence, experienced front end developers have designed methodologies to guide people on how to write organized CSS for complex projects, such as using SMACSS, BEM, SUIT CSS, etc.

    #Developer Tools #Design Tools #CSS Framework 45 social mentions

  17. A Static Type Checker for JavaScript
    • Open Source
    The two biggest contenders in adding static types to JavaScript are Flow (by Facebook) and TypeScript (by Microsoft). As of date, there is no clear winner in the battle. For now, we have made the choice of using Flow. We find that Flow has a lower learning curve as compared to TypeScript and it requires relatively less effort to migrate an existing code base to Flow. Being built by Facebook, Flow has better integration with the React ecosystem out of the box. James Kyle, one of the authors of Flow, has written on a comparison between adopting Flow and TypeScript.

    #Programming Language #Programming #Static Type Checker 25 social mentions

  18. React can also act as a "widget toolkit" by using pre-made React components.
    • Open Source
    If any JavaScript project has taken the front end ecosystem by storm in recent years, that would be React. React is a library built and open-sourced by the smart people at Facebook. In React, developers write components for their web interface and compose them together.

    #Javascript UI Libraries #JavaScript Framework #Front-End Frameworks 30 social mentions

  19. NOTE: Jest has been discontinued.
    Front-end unit testing framework
    Jest is a testing library by Facebook that aims to make the process of testing pain-free. As with Facebook projects, it provides a great development experience out of the box. Tests can be run in parallel resulting in shorter duration. During watch mode, by default, only the tests for the changed files are run. One particular feature we like is "Snapshot Testing". Jest can save the generated output of your React component and Redux state and save it as serialized files, so you wouldn't have to manually come up with the expected output yourself. Jest also comes with built-in mocking, assertion and test coverage. One library to rule them all!

    #Automated Testing #Developer Tools #Testing 7 social mentions

  20. 20
    The fully pluggable JavaScript code quality tool
    • Open Source
    A linter is a tool to statically analyze code and finds problems with them, potentially preventing bugs/runtime errors and at the same time, enforcing a coding style. Time is saved during pull request reviews when reviewers do not have to leave nitpicky comments on coding style. ESLint is a tool for linting JavaScript code that is highly extensible and customizable. Teams can write their own lint rules to enforce their custom styles. At Grab, we use Airbnb's eslint-config-airbnb preset, that has already been configured with the common good coding style in the Airbnb JavaScript style guide.

    #Code Coverage #Developer Tools #Code Quality 231 social mentions

  21. CircleCI gives web developers powerful Continuous Integration and Deployment with easy setup and maintenance.

    #Continuous Integration #Continuous Deployment #DevOps Tools 64 social mentions

  22. Browserify lets you require('modules') in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies.
    • Open Source

    #JS Build Tools #Module Bundler #Web Application Bundler 21 social mentions

  23. 23
    Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
    • Open Source
    Prior to 2015, the last major update was ECMAScript 5.1, in 2011. However, in the recent years, JavaScript has suddenly seen a huge burst of improvements within a short span of time. In 2015, ECMAScript 2015 (previously called ECMAScript 6) was released and a ton of syntactic constructs were introduced to make writing code less unwieldy. If you are curious about it, Auth0 has written a nice article on the history of JavaScript. Till this day, not all browsers have fully implemented the ES2015 specification. Tools such as Babel enable developers to write ES2015 in their apps and Babel transpiles them down to ES5 to be compatible for browsers.

    #Development Tools #Javascript UI Libraries #JavaScript Framework 134 social mentions

  24. Amazon S3 is an object storage where users can store data from their business on a safe, cloud-based platform. Amazon S3 operates in 54 availability zones within 18 graphic regions and 1 local region.
    A good practice for serving static content is to use caching and putting them on a CDN. We use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for hosting our static website content and Amazon CloudFront as the CDN. We find that it is an affordable and reliable solution that meets our needs.

    #Cloud Hosting #Object Storage #Cloud Storage 173 social mentions

  25. Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery web service.
    A good practice for serving static content is to use caching and putting them on a CDN. We use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for hosting our static website content and Amazon CloudFront as the CDN. We find that it is an affordable and reliable solution that meets our needs.

    #CDN #Cloud Computing #Content Distribution 69 social mentions

  26. Angular is a JavaScript web framework for creating single-page web applications. The code is free to use and available as open source. It is further maintained and heavily used by Google and by lots of other developers around the world.

    #JavaScript Framework #JS Library #Web Development Tools 287 social mentions

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